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- Unlimited real-time search up to 365 days in advance
- Any fare class: First, Business, or Economy
- Real-time 3-day flexible search
- Results in 10 seconds
- SkyView Lite: 7-day search window for flights departing within 60 days
- Roame Wallet: Track your credit cards and loyalty points
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Friends of Roame
For our best friends
30% off
$9.16/ monthly
$155.88 $109.99 billed annually
- Everything in the Community Plan
- 5 Multi-region Super Alerts
- Covers multiple airports and even entire regions
- Set them across 60 days and up to a year in advance
- Use filters to find the exact flights you need
- Our alerts are infinite — They’ll stay on until you turn them off
- 7 day flexible live search
- SkyView
- 60-day flexible cached search for the entire 365 award calendar
- Multi-region search (city, state, country, continent)
- Email support
Catering to businesses & enterprises
27% off
$291.66/ monthly
$4,799.88 $3,499.99 billed annually
- Everything in Friends of Roame
- Support up to 5 team members
- Enterprise SkyView (180 day search)
- 20 Multi-region alerts
- Organizational support
- Agencies & consultants
- Commercial licensing
- Dedicated chat and phone support
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Your points could be worth
1,000,000 points redeemed atcents per point
Learn how we estimate your pointsRoame helps you find hidden award deals
Statement Credit
Travel Portal
Economy Flights
Business Class Flights
First Class Flights
from Miami, Florida
“I booked a business class award flight for 55k points +$280 from MIA > Paris > Dublin with Air France in July for a business class seat in August after using Roame!”
from Houston, Texas
“Using Roame I found 4 business class seats for Charlotte to Munich, was able to transfer all the appropriate miles, and I had a redemption value of 8 cents a mile. Feeling very thankful for Roame!”
San Francisco, California
“Playing around with Roame.Travel tonight since I seriously do not want to go to work tomorrow and need to dream of the next vacation...”
New York City, New York
“I'd like to shout out [Roame]. Until last week, I had never had a large points redemption...[With Roame] I was able to book 2 one way tickets to and from Doha on Qsuites AND ANA first class to Tokyo.”
Los Angeles, California
“BOOKED MY FIRST EVER awards flight! Was able to pick up 2 business class Singapore airlines from Thailand to LA for 87.5k per person. Roame is amazing!”
Enterprise Solutions with Roame
Reach out topartnerships@roame.travelfor enterprise-level solutions.
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