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From Honolulu TO
Flight Details
Updated 1 day ago
Departure - Dec 6, 2024
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Japan Airlines · 767 · JL8785
2:05 PM
Honolulu International Airport (HNL)
Travel time: 9 h 25 m
6:30 PM +1
Narita International Airport (NRT)
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How to book this flight
  1. Login to your American Airlines frequent flyer account (or create one if you don't have one already)
  2. Check with the frequent flyer program if this flight is still available
    Airline inventory can change quickly, so it's best to confirm if the award is still available by contacting customer support or checking other partners
    View Instructions
  3. Transfer your points to the frequent flyer program
    right arrow
    157,500 pts
    Transfer 157,500 points from your Marriott Bonvoy account to your American Airlines account (the fee is $5.00).
    View Transfer Guide
    1. Login to your Marriott transfer account:
    2. Select the frequent flyer program you want to transfer your Marriott points to
    3. Enter your airline frequent flyer program
    4. Enter the number of Marriott points you want to transfer
    5. Click continue and confirm the transfer
  4. Go back to American Airlines's website to book your flight
    Transferring points may not always be instant; check your account every so often to make your booking with your newly transferred points